FAIR DESIGN 2023 – Design to the Challenges of Modernity: EMOTIONS

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The Faculty of Industrial Design was founded in 1977 and has since prepared specialists in the fields of product design, visual communication and the packaging design. The program of the faculty does not have any major subject limits. Such distinct issues as applied arts, craft arts using simple technologies, and the problems which may be encountered using advanced technologies, as for future design are addressed. Among the prominent issues addressed are methodology of designs and heightening the awareness of the different contexts of design, such as ecology, themes connected with the life cycle of products or product development. Social design, critical design and design for public space are also important issues. On the other hand market oriented elements, such as industrial, packaging and branding design are taught at Design Faculty. The courses are conducted in the form of lectures, classes, seminars, and individual consultations. They are taught by design practitioners, which ensures a direct connection between the course material and the reality of professional work. The education of a student at the Faculty of Industrial design implies preparing him/her for the profession of an independent designer. Students acquire the necessary skills in practical designing, methodology, creativeness, visual communication, and knowledge in the fields of professional practice, economy, technology and the humanities. Design is understood as an independent discipline, which requires a separate and distinctive course of study. On the other hand, it is in an obvious way connected with not only sculpture, architecture and other design disciplines, but also technical science, the humanities and ecology. Professional design often extends beyond the boundaries of the field of design traditionally taught in art schools and becomes an interdisciplinary field of study. The necessity of this profession is thus the ability to combine technical knowledge, the humanities, and knowledge of the market with artistic creativeness. In this sense design functions as a catalyst – uniting different fields of study which play an important role in the creation of the product. Thus design constitutes a specific language, a tool for the visual representation of the product. The form 'closes' and describes the product, and as such is an important, although not sole, factor defining it. Design incorporates a wide range of professions, including the technical, economical, and organizational aspects of all pre-design and pre-production processes. Cultural aspects, especially esthetical, play a vital role in designing. The ideal goal of the didactic process is to integrate the various fields of design with artistic creativity.
Cooperation with companies: IKEA, Alessi, International Paper, Nokia, Hans Grohe, BA Glass; Socrates/Erasmus Contracts with: NCAD in Dublin, Leeds Metropolitan University, Hochschule fur Kunst und Design Halle, HdK Berlin, ESAD Porto, Strate College France, Univerzita J. E. Purkyne Usti nad Labem, VSVU Bratislava, Institut d'Arts Visuels Orlean, Fachhochschule Trier, Politechnico di Milano, Academy of Arts in Tallin, Academy of Fine Arts in Vilnius, Berlin Weisensee, Schwabisch Gmund, ENSAAMA Paris, Rovaniemi University of Lapland, Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, Escuela de Diseno de Madrid, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Zurich University of Arts, Izmir Economi Universitesi; Participant of IDEM, Fontevraud workshops, British Council, Carousel workshops, Stop City workshops, Glassberries academic competition, joint projects supported by the Institute of Adam Mickiewicz with: Holon Institute of Technology, Pratt Institute, Izmir University of Economics, HDK Goeteborg
Cooperation with the Technical University in Warsaw, Academy of Music, School of Agriculture in Warsaw, Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Authorities of the City of Warsaw, Foundation of Social Communication, Institute of Industrial Design, Cieszyn Castle, SPFP – the Association of Industrial Designers in Poland, Zacheta National Gallery, Institute of Adam Mickiewicz.
Oriented in BA and MA – product Design and Visual Communication, fashion design
Faculty of Painting, Faculty of Graphic Art, Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Faculty of Stage Design, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Faculty of Interior Design, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Media Art and Faculty of Sculpture.
Faculty of Design consist of: Department of Design Fundamentals, Design Department, Department of Artistic Practises, Department of Design Theory, Fashion Department.
BA Majors: – product and visual communication design with 2D and 3D design, integrated curriculum – fashion design Duration: 7 semesters
MA – product and visual communication design with 2D and 3D design, integrated curriculum Duration: 4 semesters
Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication, Fashion
Main language: Polish; English for exchange students
winter semester: beginning of October – end of January summer semester: mid February – end of May
costs of living appr. 600 EURO/month; no tuition fee