The program is intended to assist colleagues in a country and/or region of the world typically underrepresented within the Cumulus network, opening the door for mutual learning and future collaboration.
Cumulus has issued Cumulus Plus+ Grants since 2005. We invite you to view the complete list of our Cumulus Plus Grantees and learn about these accomplished colleagues from around the world.
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award: Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award: Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
Candidates should review these terms before considering an application. Grantees must be able to comply with the following requirements if they accept the award:
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Applications should be submitted through our Cumulus Plus Grant Form. For any questions, please contact TBD.
The application consists of the following components, which must be submitted in English: