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Mission Statement
Educate responsible designer personalities.
International Role
We enjoy a wide an strong international network of both institutions and academic individuals.
This has been a huge source for mutual development and change over the past two decades.
National Role
The Media Design course in Ravensburg is the first and so far only creative and design-oriented course at the DHBW. Our students qualify with an internationally recognised Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons. with 210 CPS) degree in Media Design. The course equips students to become versatile practitioners in new media, publishing and graphic design agencies or independent designers, by offering a choice of specialism in design and interaction, advertising and moving image.
The combination of academic studies and practical work experience over the three-year course means that students are professionally extremely well-equipped to take the initiative – an asset very highly regarded in the design industry.
In the past 6 years, the program has been repeatedly voted amongst the four leading academic design institutions in Germany. In 2019 the Media Design program moved to second best design college in Germany, according to Red Dot Ranking.
Main Focus
Media Design in Ravensburg
Studying Media Design at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) provides a perfect practice-oriented academic education for the challenges of the continuously changing media world. The unique dual concept combines equal shares of academic studies and practical work experience over a three-year full-time course. Our students are extremely well equipped to take initiative in their profession – an asset very highly regarded by the design industry.
Our award-winning Media Design course at the DHBW in Ravensburg is the first and so-far only creative and design-oriented course, ranging among the top design colleges in Germany. Our students qualify with an internationally recognised Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons. with 210 CPs) degree in Media Design.
For our international exchange students we offer a specifically designed Study Abroad Programme.
About the course
During the first semester students are encouraged to develop an individual creative approach through observation, experiment and discovery. Experiences are then applied in various design-related Media Projects, where briefs are usually set in cooperation with the industry. In subsequent semesters students gain skills in design methods and wholistic approaches to design tasks. Specific Design Layout modules provide creative and methodical input in relation to the Media Project. Furthermore, the curriculum offers a range of seminars in technology, design related economics and cultural science.
The dual education system provides wide-ranging links to the creative industries. Our academic staff is supported by external tutors who are all practicing artists, designers and media professionals, adding current professional experience to academic continuity.
Other than most design courses, Media Design offers an exceptionally wide range of design related subjects in one course. Our focus therefore is to connect and combinevarious fields and approaches towards innovative wholistic design applications.
Faculties and Departments
Campus Ravensburg
Faculty of Business: Department of Business Management, Department of Media Design, Department of Business Computer Science
Faculty of Technology: Department of Electrical Engeneering, Department of Computer Science, Department of Aerospace Engeneering, Department of Mechanical Engeneering, Department of Industrial Engeneering
Bachelor Level Programs
Applies only to Department of Media Design:
Bachelor program in Media Design
Master Level Programs
20 Master programmes; 1 with design elements
Research Activity and Main Areas
Graphic Design – Interface Design – Motion Design
A special combination of seminars in design methods, graphic design, typography, photography, film and motion design, interaction design, screen design, didactic design and exhibition design, along with seminars on theoretical subjects such as the theory & history of design, cultural studies, business administration and production technology means an inspiring interconnection of designrelated skills.
Subject Areas for Exchange Students
Media Design: Graphic Design – Interactive Design – Motion Design
Application Deadlines
Any time.
Teaching Languages
German & English
Semester Dates
Oct – Dec / Jan – Mar / April – June / July – September
Terms in bold offer full Study Abroad Program; other terms offer limited program
Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)
Studying: no fees
Accomodation: special subsidised costs for exchange students