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Haute école des arts du Rhin

France Full Member Institution


Mission Statement

Haute école des Arts du Rhin (HEAR) promotes an original model of artistic teaching that leads to the porosity and the synergy of the arts. Diversity and complementarily are at the basis of the schools project. Located in the Rhine region rich of traditions and exchanges, HEAR practices an original pedagogy based on the individual and collective practice. HEAR trains creators capable of inventing new territories. HEAR prepares and guides the students in inventing their personal and professional autonomy in becoming actors of contemporary culture. HEAR guarantees the pedagogic autonomy and the collegiality of teaching. HEAR supports research associated with creation that produces empirically and experimentally forms of knowledge. The articulated teaching of theory and practice structures the pedagogy.

International Role

HEAR (and the former Ecole supérieurs des arts décoratifs) has been participating in exchanges for more than 20 years. Today the school has over 90 partner schools in 29 different countries. Every year the school welcomes a number of artists in residency, guest professors and invited lectures from abroad.

The location of the school in a border region accounts for a numerous transborder projects with german and swiss partners. To quote just one of those projects: "Design am Oberrhein"/"Design Rhin Supérieur" is a network connecting French, German and Swiss Design Schools, private enterprises and design fairs.

National Role

HEAR is linked to a number of local actors both in Mulhouse and in Strasbourg, among which art centres (Kunsthalle, CEAAC, Syndicat potentiel), an incubator (km0),a Fablab (Motoco@DMC), the school of architecture, the departement of design and fine arts of the University of Strasbourg. Several workshops have strong ties to the private sector, especially the jewellery workshop and the glass workshop that co-organises the Biennale du verre http://www.biennaleduverre.eu/

Main Focus

The Haute école des arts du Rhin's main focus in education is BA and MA education in Fine Arts, Communciation and Design. Many students participate in ongoing research projects. Another focus is a transdisciplary approach between the departments that takes its roots in a common foundation year. Centred around the gradual development of the student's project, the pedagogy promotes creative skills, interaction with other artistic practices, real-life professional situations and international mobility.

Faculties and Departments



Bachelor Level Programs

Bachelor = Diplôme national d'art plastique (DNAP) = 3 years

Mulhouse Campus

  • Fine Arts
  • Textile Design
  • Process Design

Strasbourg Campus

  • Fine Arts
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Information Design
  • Scenography

Master Level Programs

Master = Diplôme national supérieur d'expression plastique (DNSEP) = 2 years

  • Mulhouse Campus

  • Fine Arts
  • Textile Design
  • Process Design
  • Strasbourg Campus

  • Fine Arts
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Information Design
  • Scenography

Research Activity and Main Areas

Research at the HEAR is lead by mixed teams of artists, theoreticians and DNSEP/Master students in cooperation with French and foreign institutions.

Espaces sonores unites teams from the three HEAR campuses that are dedicated to sound art: l’Académie Supérieure de Musique de Strasbourg, Sonic and Phonon-lab. It examines the relationship between sound and space, in particular in their artistic, cultural and social dimensions. This program publishes the annual bilingual TACETjournal.

Play> Urban, hosted by the Scenography department, invents and explores artistic creation devices in an urban context (Johannesburg, Bucharest, Seoul etc.). "Play> Urban" is also a 3D online research and work platform that connects the teams and the cities participating in the project.http://www.play-urban.org

The Visual Communication research unit combines three programs dedicated to diffusion and reception of images:

  • Tangible didactics focuses on devices of knowledge transmission through image, from ancient times to the contemporary era. This program contributes in particular to the creation of digital tools that integrate tactile interfaces and renew learning methods.http://didactiquetangible.hear.fr
  • De traits et d’esprit studies the forms, functions and history of illustration, and especially the tension created between text and image. This program grasps, in a practical and theoretical manner, the question of the visual world, whether it be that of an author, a reader or an era.
  • Lignes de front examines the concepts of commemoration based on graphic materials produced by the First World War. This program emphasizes the role of visual culture in the construction of an imaginary world of commemoration. http://lignesdefront.hear.fr

Subject Areas for Exchange Students

All subject areas. Exchange students are generally integrated in year 3 and 4.




Application Deadlines

To apply to the fall semester or the whole year: 15th of May

To apply to the spring semester: 15 th of November

Teaching Languages

Mostly French, but also English and German

Semester Dates

Fall semester: beginning of october – end of january

Spring semester: mid january – end of june

Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)

Between 350 and 750 euros.

More information on the cost of living can be found in our International Student Handbook: http://www.hear.fr/international/incoming_students_handbook.php


Bachelor: 426
Master: 295

Exchange Students

Incoming: 40
Outgoing: 34

Teaching Staff

Professors: 118
Lectures: 42
Part-time Teachers: 40

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