Cumulus Russia 2022 Un/Touchable: New meanings and values conference calling for papers!

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University)

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

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The main objectives of the University: 1) meeting the demands of individuals for intellectual, cultural, moral and spiritual development; 2) training of highly qualified specialists possessing the skills of independent research activities of relevant levels and grades in various specialties and areas of training, as well as training, retraining and professional development of research and academic staff; 3) organisation and implementation of fundamental and applied research across a broad range of development activities; 4) preservation, development and augmentation of moral and cultural traditions of university education and research activities, and education of youth in the spirit of these traditions; 5) participation in the organisation and implementation of continuing education; 6) increasing the role of humanities in the academic process; 7) propagation of humanist worldview and knowledge.
St Petersburg University (SPbU) is an internationally recognized center for education and research consistently rated among the top world’s universities in the most prestigious international rankings. International cooperation of the University may take the following forms: 1) exchange of teachers and researchers for carrying out research, teaching work, as well as for professional development; 2) exchange of students for education and research; 3) organising and holding international events at the University (symposia, conferences, seminars, meetings and official receptions); 4) participation of the University staff and students in international conferences, symposia, seminars and other similar activities; 5) participation of University representatives in international meetings and official visits; 6) receiving foreign citizens for education and sending students of the University abroad for education and training; 7) engaging foreign citizens to participate in the education and research as teachers or researchers; 8) sending teachers and researchers to foreign education and research institutions for teaching and research; 9) development and implementation of international education programs and research; 10) exchange of experience and professional development of employees on issues of the University operation; 11) exchange of scientific lterature and teaching materials; 12) other forms of cooperation, not inconsistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Over almost three centuries, hundreds of outstanding scholars, politicians, cultural figures have been honor to the University. Suffice it to say that seven University alumni and ex-members have won Nobel Prizes: I.P. Pavlov (1904) and I.I. Mechnikov (1908) for physiology and medicine, N.N. Semenov (1962) for chemistry, L.D. Landau (1962) and A.M. Prokhorov (1964) for physics, W.W. Leontief (1973) and L.V. Kantorovich (1975) for economics. Today St Petersburg University sets the pace for the development of science, education and culture in Russia. The concept of the SPbU educational programs in the field of arts, media and design was developed in correspondence with the interdisciplinary, versatile environment of a classical university, traditions of Russian art education, as well as innovative developments of SPbU specialists in design, arts and intercultural communications.
Theory and Practice of Design, Restoration, Fine Arts, Music, Information Technologies
All the mentioned programs
May 15 – for Autumn semester and Full Academic Year Nov. 15 – for Spring semester
Autumn semester: Sept.01 – Jan.28 Spring semester: Feb.01 – June 28
Per semester:BA – 192,550 RUB MA – 198,200 RUB