Cumulus welcomes 21 new members in 2022
Cumulus is honored to welcome 21 new member institutions joining the association at the annual General...
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Cumulus welcomes 21 new members in 2022
Cumulus is honored to welcome 21 new member institutions joining the association at the annual General...
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Mission Statement
The French Higher Schools of Art & Design, under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, train every year around 12,500 students, awarding Bachelor's, Master's, PhD and specific postgraduate degrees in growing significance. They are part of major international networks, are at the heart of Erasmus+ programs and have developed numerous partnerships all over the world . Heirs to a centuries-old tradition of combining a multiplicity of historical and contemporary skills and active contributors to contemporary research on art, they are an essential part of the art world and at the heart of the design community.
Established in 1995 in France, the National Association of Higher Schools of Art (ANdÉA) federates them. They are represented within ANdÉA by more than 200 members: teachers, students, managers, deans, heads of departments, etc., as well as associated structures that share common goals.
International Role
ANdEA is resolutely committed to an international, primarily European, dynamic, which has been embodied since this year in a number of actions, in particular
1. ANdEA leads a network of 44 art and design schools under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, spread over 55 sites in mainland France and overseas, which are part of large-scale international networks, are at the heart of Erasmus+ mobility and have partnerships with numerous European structures.
2. ANdEA has been an official partner of the New European Bauhaus since last spring and leads a dynamic inter-school working group on the subject. Art and design schools have been important contributors to the co-construction phase of the initiative.
3. ANdEA is co-organiser of EuroFabrique, an event of the PFUE cultural and artistic programme, which will bring together, from 7 to 10 February 2022, 400 young people from French and European art schools – visual arts, design, architecture, cinema, theatre – their teachers and artists. Together, they will be invited to take on the subjects and reinvent the symbols of the European Union.
4. 4. ANdEA actively participated in the Voices of Culture working group, a platform for dialogue between the cultural sector and the European Commission, on the theme "Status and working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals". We were also invited to take part in the i-Portunus working group on the future of mobility for artists and cultural professionals.
5. ANdEA is represented in the French National Thematic Group (NTG) for the Horizon Europe framework programme. ANdEA intends to contribute more broadly to the debate of ideas, by promoting public service and, at a time when education and creation are political, social and economic issues of primary importance, the emancipatory model of public art and design schools in France.
6. ANdEA is working on two projects that could be deployed on a European scale and beyond, the first of which aims to invent and formalise a way of welcoming and accompanying artists in exile in Europe by relying on the professional training centres that are the higher schools of art and design; The second, a platform to support the mobility and professionalization of young art and design graduates, which would generate another way of linking art and design scenes at the European level, would allow for the organization of circulations in the valorization of the diversities of practices, and would reinvent modalities, for our graduates, to become professionals.
7. Finally, ANdEA also works within the framework of bilateral cooperation with European and international partners, in particular with the signing of a cooperation agreement with ARES, the French-speaking Belgian higher education agency, and the organisation of Franco-Belgian meetings of art schools.
National Role
By connecting schools of all scales throughout the country, ANdÉAis a platform for thought, a body of proposal and a force that reaffirms the unique character of public higher art pedagogy through creation. The association promotes and develops unique pedagogical and research models that nurtures experimentation and critical thinking.
ANdÉA intends to fully and wholeheartedly contribute to the debate of contemporary ideas, by arguing in favor of the unique, emancipatory model of art schools, at a time when both education and creativity have become political, social and economic issues of utmost importance.
Faculties and Departments
There are in France 44 higher schools of art under the pedagogical supervision of the Ministry for Culture and Communication, located in 55 sites all over the country. In most of these schools, studies are constructed in the following manner:
_a first cycle leading to a national qualification, a Diplôme National d’Art (DNA), of a “Licence-Bachelor” level (semesters 1 to 6) made up of a general first year and two years in one of the following three options: art, design or communication;
_a second cycle leading to a national qualification, the Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique / National Higher Degree in Visual Expression (DNSEP), in art, design or communication, awarding the grade of Master (semesters 7 to 10).
_Some schools offer third cycles or postgraduate courses, that may, or may not, lead to school qualifications, and university 3rd cycles (PhD in collaboration with partner universities) leading to a Doctoral degree.
Four schools in the network award specific establishment certificates: the three parisian national higher schools (ENSBA, ENSAD and ENSCI) and Le Fresnoy – the National Studio of Contemporary Arts in Tourcoing.
Bachelor Level Programs
French baccalauréat or equivalent +3 years
of study, leading to a Licence-level degree. The
DNA is the diploma that marks completion
of the 1 st cycle art over 3 years (180 ECTS)
ot the public postsecondary schools of Art
and Design. A common core year ends with
an examination, after which successful
students choose one of three tracks: art,
communication, or design. The next 2 years
(known as the program phase) are spent in
that track
Master Level Programs
rench baccalauréat or equivalent +5 years
of study; DNA or equivalent + 2 years
leading to a master-level degree. For 2 years
(known as the project phase), students
pursue a personal path within a creative
research workshop (known as an ARC, for
Atelier de Recherche et de Création). During
this time they earn credits that are formally
issued by an external creditgranting
institution. The DNSEP exams have three
parts: an examination of the student’s
academic record; a review of the student’s
best work; and the student’s defense of
that work before a jury of five individuals
appointed by the Ministry of Culture.
Students may take the DNSEP examination
no more than twice.
Doctorate Level Programs
At the end of October 2012, the ANdÉA proposed a « National Chart for research in Higher Schools of Art». This chart was filed as the ANdÉA’s contribution to the Annual conference for higher education and research. It is addressed to both the Ministers for Higher Education and Research and Culture and Communication.