Senses & Sensibility 2023 conference: Design and Complexity

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IADE is a laboratory of creativity, talent and leadership recognised by society as a whole. It has encouraged students to put their own talents to the test, to believe in themselves, making them the best of the best, in their personal lives or in their future professional integration.
IADE today is a reference in teaching Creativity. It is also one of the best Design schools in Europe and a pioneer in Marketing, Advertising and Photography.
Founded in 1969, in Lisbon, it has been a pioneer in teaching Design in Portugal. Currently, it is the institution that trains the most students in this field, with an employability rate of 97 per cent.
In 2012, it gained the status of University Institute, a title which enabled the creation of a modern Doctoral programme in Design, focusing especially on creativity and internationalisation.
Since 2016, IADE has been a part of Universidade Europeia, reinforcing its positioning as a creative school in Europe.
Currently, IADE grants academic Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral as well as Post-Graduate Degrees in areas related to creativity: Design, Arts and Communication, Marketing, Advertising and Photography.
2017 – For the third year, IADE is featured as one of the top 50 Design schools in Europe in the Domus ranking.
2016 – IADE is once again featured as one of the top 50 Design schools in Europe in the Domus ranking.
2015 – IADE is featured as one of the top 50 Design schools in Europe in Italian Magazine Domus’ ranking.
2014 – IADE was awarded the DS Label by the European Commission.
The DS Label is a seal of quality which recognises and distinguishes the excellence and best practices of the institutions of higher education with regard to the implementation of the Diploma Supplement.
At the international level IADE – Universidade Europeia has protocols with over hundred high studies institutions for students, teachers and staff mobility exchange, namely with: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Japan, Mexico and Peru. While in European countries, the Erasmus Program presently allows about forty incoming and outgoing students at, and from IADE every semester.
The interested students can study at IADE – Universidade Europeia for a small period through an exchange programme or enroll directly on an undergraduate or graduate degree.
IADE is also a member of the following organizations: CUMULUS – International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media/Network of Excellence and Innovation and EDCOM – European Foundation for Commercial Communications Education.
IADE – Universidade Europeia national protocols extends to over twenty high studies institutions, fifth cooperative schools and a three hundred institutions or national organizations, integrating namely: APPM – Associação Portuguesa dos Profissionais de Marketing; APAP – Associação Portuguesa de Agências de Publicidade and APCOR – Associação Portuguesa da Cor.
Working closely to market demands, students due to conclude IADE – Universidade Europeia Bachelor courses often still continue their 2nd cycle studies leading to the Master degree in specific areas of specialization that will prepare them to their future professional careers promoting an enlarged basis of knowledge that will stimulate research and innovation skills. As to 2nd cycle studies, they also allow the preparation both for teaching or research in areas belonging to Visual Design, Product and Space Design, Interaction, Advertising, Branding and Fashion Design, which in their turn transfer competences to the frequency of the 3rd cycle course, the PhD in Design.
BA and MA, in: design, marketing, advertising and photography areas
IADE School
UNIDCOM – Research Unit
Undergraduate Courses 1st Cycle: (3 years)
Design; Global Design; Marketing and Advertising; Photography and Visual Culture; Games and Apps Development; Creative Technologies
Masters Degrees 2nd Cycle: (2 years)
Design and Visual Culture; Product and Space Design; Branding and Fashion Design; Design Management; Design & Advertising; Interaction Design.
IADE research activities are developed by UNIDCOM – Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação, a research unit founded in 2000 credited and financed by the program of the national agency for research activities FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. UNIDCOM is managed through Europeia ID – Associação para a Investigação em Design, Marketing e Comunicação, an association for research in Design, Marketing and Communication.
UNIDCOM/IADE is composed of four major research groups, which support a flexible structure, constituting other transversal groups, according to contracted projects. These research groups organize the activity as follows:
1. Mapping Design: History, products, culture and identity This research group brings together scientific research in the field of the Unit's Design Studies that can support the development of the IADE-U's doctoral studies providing critical structures and a cultural mind set to the students. The group is set on a research Unit focused on experimentation, application, and action, for which this group provides a reflexive research capable of positioning our actions in a time line as well as understanding our contemporary role. The outcome of this research group will contribute to the knowledge and dissemination on Portuguese Design Culture translated into systematic information about the main actors, products and methods, as well as on the ability or difficulties of the industry and cultural institutions to understand, support and materialize the design products. Therefore, a strong contribution to the visibility of Portuguese Design Culture and to the development of design studies and of critics, thereby concurring to achieve the strategic goals of the research Unit.
2. ID:Co.Lab – Collaborative Research for Design and Sustainable Innovation It is an applied research group that uses creative methods and explores collaborative and user-centered design processes to generate sustainable innovation mainly for the production of cultural and creative industries. The group activities are directly related with IADE-U's academic activities and objectives as well as with its social responsibility. It aims at linking research, creativity, innovation and other production management activities, for social entrepreneurship and change, contributing to emergence of the knowledge economy and sustained growth based on the unique characteristics of the Portuguese historical and cultural heritage.
3. IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION – Holistic Multidimensional System for Innovation Focused Businesses and Territorial Development This is a research group of cross and multi-disciplinary nature, mainly of design, marketing and business management, communication, psychosociology, anthropology, engineering and statistics, that is a fully operational unit and a systemic aggregator, with validated applications fully oriented to their research goals and established scientific topic lines. Focused on methods of experimental and empirical research, its main purpose is the transfer of knowledge to the market, with a special focus on SMEs development and qualification.
4. UX.Project[On] – User Experience Design Research The focus of this group is to study User Experience (UX) and Interaction Design subjects, according to the User Centered Design approach, aiming to understand, optimize and bridging the gap of the interaction between humans and digital technology, and to pursuit innovation in the development of new interactive solutions and design methods. This team constitutes a cross-disciplinary consortium involving several areas: design, human factors and ergonomics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, engineering, mathematics, architecture. Additionally, many of our research topics involve corporate partners, therefore benefiting from expertise, infrastructure and facilities to conduct effective research and production programmes. The UX.Project [On]'s research group has several topic modules: (1) Smart Places; (2) Safety & Health; (3) Cultural Identity & Heritage; (4) Intergenerational & Inclusive Design; (5) Digital Education/ Entertainment Experiences; (6) Gamification; (7) National security; (8) Digital Future.
Doctoral Program 3rd Cycle: (3 years)
Undergraduate Courses 1st Cycle: (3 years)
Design; Global Design; Marketing and Advertising; Photography and Visual Culture, Games and Apps Development, Creative Tecnhologies
Masters Degrees 2nd Cycle: (2 years)
Design and Visual Culture; Product and Space Design; Branding and Fashion Design; Design Management; Interaction Design.
PhD Degrees 3rd Cycle: (3 years)
For 1. Semester: 31st May
For 2. Semester: 31st October
September – February
February – July
Erasmus Students don’t pay their studies at IADE Living: aprox. 900.00€