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Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay)

World University of Design

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Mission Statement
To disseminate design knowledge that has relevance at all levels – global, regional as well as local. . To push the boundaries of design through research, experimentation and applications. Mission: . Meet the unmet communication and other needs in the context of a developing economy, multilingual and multicultural society and advancing technology. . Design aimed at social and educational needs of the society. . Propagate design thinking within and outside the country. . Preserve our cultural heritage and improving the quality of human environment
International Role
IDC is a member of WDO and ico-D educational network. IDC has been involved with organizing international conferences and events like the ‘Icograda Design Week in India’. International conference on Product Semantics, Design Education, etc. The faculty actively participate in international conferences and events. IDC has student exchanges with many design schools around the world.
National Role
IDC is a leading institution in the country and has been playing the role of propagating and disseminating design awareness within the country. It has influenced at the national level programmes in design education, Typography and Indian Langauge typefaces, Graphics Design Education, etc. IDC’s model of academic programme has been replicated by many other institutions in the country. IDC undertakes socially relevant projects and designing for the underserved community is a priority. IDC’s faculty interacts with Government bodies at a policy level to implement various schemes of the government. IDC's alumni at present are haeding many of the design schools in the country.
Main Focus
IDC considers design as a goal-driven, creative problem solving process. IDC is an interesting model for design education in an institute of technology. This model has been replicated by many other schools. IDC faculty are practicing design professionals as well as design theorists. The education program at IDC is a unique mix of pedagogic experimentation with pragmatic design approach and blends hardcore problem solving with design research. The emphasis is on meeting the unmet design needs for the community. We seek design solutions to meet the needs of everyone in the society. We respect and derive inspirations from traditional knowledge systems in a rapidly changing technological scene.
Faculties and Departments
IDC Schhol of Design conducts two year Master of Design Programmes in five streams: Industrial Design, Communication Design, Interaction Design, Animation, Mobility and Vehicle Design, Four Year Bachelor of Design programme and PhD programme in Design areas.
Bachelor Level Programs
Four Year Bachelor of Design (BDes) programme was started in 2015
Master Level Programs
Master of Design Programmes in five streams: Industrial Design, Communication Design, Interaction Design, Animation, Mobility and Vehicle Design
Research Activity and Main Areas
Research in many areas of design forms the backbone of IDC. Investigations into the conceptual and theoretical foundations of design process and methodologies have had implications on the way design is being thought at IDC. Investigations into social and cultural aspects have had a influence on design of many of the products and applications that have been undertaken in the department. Besides application and project oriented research, the faculty's research interest include perception and cognition, visual semantics, collaborative learning environments, ergonomic investigation, Indian product and visual tradition, Bamboo material finishes, type and Indian languages, etc. IDC has interdisciplinary research groups to work on specific research areas. . Indian language – typeface design, typography, text input devices in Indian languages, issues in multi-lingual communication . Auto design and styling, transportation systems . Ergonomics research and applications – design for the people and of the people . Story telling – animation, multimedia, interactive applications . Bionics and bio-mimitics approach in design . Virtual Collaborative Environments – interface, Information architecture, networking. . Design techniques – active people watching, user-centric design process, integration of design and technology thinking . Bamboo modern craft – bamboo, new tools for craftsman productivity, sustainable craft-based design . integrating traditional knowledge systems with new technology . Design for developing economies – new systems and products for rural and urban contexts, interfaces/products for all . Education – products, games and media to support learning and teaching . Environmental design and sustainable green design . Cognitive research and design
Doctorate Level Programs
Doctoral level program is in the field of design. The students can work in any area of specialisation of the faculty members. These include design pedagogic experimentation, Indian product tradition, environments for learning, information visualization, perception and cognition, cultural studies, ergonomic investigation, product interfaces, contextual innovation, regional typefaces, story-telling, designing for children, innovation and creativity, product aesthetics, etc.
Subject Areas for Exchange Students
a. Industrial Design b. Communication Design c. Interaction Design d. Animation e. Mobility and vvehicle Design
Application Deadlines
Four months before January or July
Teaching Languages
Semester Dates
January 1st and July 2nd week
Cost of Living Per Month (Studying and Living)
The academic fees for foreign students per semester at present are US $ 2000/- For students from SAARC countries the fees are US $ 1000/- The other expenses are expected to be about US $ 200 – 300 pm. And, for students from Nepal, the fees are same as Indian students in Rupee payment. The students can avail of student hostel accommodation on the campus.