Exhibition: Liminal Spaces at Milan Design Week 2023

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Working in design is about steering through a constantly changing landscape of needs and demands in a rapidly changing world. Unexpected and fast advances in culture and technology trigger new products, services or lifestyles yet unknown. Design is the one particular field in which cultural shifts and technological developments are translated into tangible solutions. This is why the interactive aspect of design cannot be underestimated; you as a designer can be can be a creative transformer and communicator alike – thinking beyond the familiar, operating with moral intelligence.
Industrial Design
Full faculty university
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design, duration 3 years, 180 ECTS
Master of Fine Arts in Design, duration 2 years, 120 ECTS
Our aim is to increase the understanding of the field of industrial design by embracing basic and applied research relevant to the development of the field.
Critical reflection and diversity in perspectives and modes of inquiry are central tenets to meet emerging challenges. We strive to use a wide range of approaches, combining scientific and artistic exploration, in the search for new, useful and validated knowledge.
Research foci include:
Design Practice
Design Use
Design Strategy
Design Politics
Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Technology 4 years
Industrial Design
October 15 and April 15
Swedish, English
approx. September 1 to December 20, January 15 to June 7
approx. 1000 EURO