Cumulus Russia 2022 Un/Touchable: New meanings and values conference calling for papers!

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University)

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

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We see our mission as promoting higher level of design and architecture culture in Russia through works of our students, to educate our students in accordance to timely issues and challenges in these fields. We try to use the background of traditional Russian art education and to expand it by implementing modern digital technologies. The result is an integrated interactive and innovative education. International relations with other institutes of design and architecture are very important for us to understand the international context.
The Higher School of Architecture and Design realised projects with following universities: Aalto University (Finland), Hochschule Ulm (Germany), L'ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique (France), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (England), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland) The school of visual communication (France), Tongji University (China), HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany).
The activities between the partner universities include not only students and teacher exchanges, but also interchange of ideas and information on design and architecture competitions inside and outside of Russia. There are also strong connections with GK design group (Japan), Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Southampton Solent University (United Kingdom).
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is the largest technical university in the country with historically strong scientific schools, which has undeniable results and achievements in scientific, educational and innovative activities. The strategic goal of SPbPU is to modernize and develop the university as a globally competitive research and education center that integrates multidisciplinary research and world-class technologies and is one of the world's leading universities.
The main focus in education at the Higher School of Architecture and Design is to combine classic art education with use of modern multimedia technologies to discover new approaches to contemporary design process in the areas of architecture, ecological design of the urban environment, architectural objects, industrial and environmental design, graphic design, web-design and computer animation. We aim to be a globally competitive scientific and educational center and to become one of the world's leading universities, to provide advanced training of a new generation of personnel and technological modernization of system-forming industries based on the use of multidisciplinary knowledge and advanced supra-industry technologies.
The Higher School of Design and Architecture – is a digital technology, innovation, fundamental and advanced applied knowledge, research, creative development, management.
The Higher School of Design and Architecture carries out recruitment and training in the direction of "Design" and "Design of Architectural Spaces".
Bachelor's programs:
Design of Architectural Spaces
Industrial Design
Graphic Design
Information Design
Master's degree programs:
Communicative design
Design in digital marketing
Ecodesign of Architectural Spaces.
The Higher School of Design and Architecture research activity is carried out by PhD students on the basis of complex education, research and development laboratory. The main areas of research are: – Interface and interaction design – Design and communication – Computer graphics visualization technologies – Visualization of scientific data and research results with the help of multimedia technologies – Modern education methods and approaches.
PhD in technics (in IT)
1. Graphic design (painting, drawing, chromatics, typography, corporate identity, illustration).
2. Media design (computer graphics, three-dimensional modeling, animation, multimedia technologies).
3. DAS – Design of Architectural Spaces.
Education is provided only in Russian
Summer term: 01 November
Winter term: 01 June
Summer term: 01 February – 20 June Winter term: 01 September – 20 January
Student dormitory
About 100 Euro