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This working group aims at investigating the key aspects and innovative approaches of education on design for social change, connecting students with vulnerable people (e.g. prisoners, refugees, people experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities, cultural minorities, etc.). This Working Group explores the crucial role that design education can play in improving people’s lives and contributing to social justice. It primarily focuses on design education for social change, whilst also considering its interrelations with research and practice. It explores what it means to teach and learn the various aspects of design for social change, what methods and tools can be used to nurture teacher’s and students’ skill sets and mindsets to catalyse social change , and what challenges and opportunities Design Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) face in activating, delivering, evaluating, and sustaining such projects. The Working Group was created by the joint efforts of the Social Design Network and the DESIS Network.

1 member in total

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